Healthcare Photography

When I take pictures in hospitals or at doctors’ surgeries, I am always aware of how unimportant my work is in comparison. Nevertheless, often someone is happy to have company or to welcome the man with the cameras as a change in routine. But often I just stand still in the corner.

A day in a district hospital:

Two days in the pediatric cardiac surgery of a university hospital:

Clients: Siccma Media GmbH, SRH Kliniken, Kompetenznetz Angeborene Herzfehler, Universitätsklinik Homburg (Saar), Karin Lange Kommunikation.


Being a photographer for corporate and editorial clients and content marketing agencies, I live from respectful curiosity and systematic improvisation with the use of newest technology. Unusual views, abstaining from the trivial and the rate of returning customers provide the energy for memorable pictures in – fortunately – many different genres.
